Well idk when more art will be. Everything has gone to good outlook to cataclysmic. This was a 160 I didn't expect and honestly I don't know how im going to ever recover. Depression and stress have once again found a roost on me but more then ever after tasting the fruits of the little folk.
Being made to go back to the human food is painful and I may leave this plane. I tried to kiss the flame that burns within and it flickered out. What sweet joy to feel for once and what crushing depths to be thrown to afterward. I only wanted to feel. How can the giant's not see such as I do for they have the same eyes. Or so I thought and was led to a trap of cheese just as a mouse. How was I such as a fledgling being tossed from the nest. I should have known, that the acid of a snake can burn through muscle and be cunning. For wanting peace I deserve chaos and unending pain.